Monday, July 7, 2014

Be Brave!

Several years ago, I attended an incredible women’s conference here in Los Angeles called Godchicks.  Created by Holly Wagner, who co-pastors Oasis Church with her husband, Philip Wagner, this yearly women’s gathering inspires women to walk in all that God has called them to be!

On year, the theme was “Brave” – and I knew immediately that this was a word that God was giving to both me and to my daughters Meagan and Kelsey (who were 7 and 9 at the time). 

Those who know me already think that I’m pretty brave.  I am an outgoing girl.  I can strike up a conversation with just about anyone.  And I don’t ever mind being in front of a big crowd.  Though those things may scare some people, I actually love doing them!

But I knew that the bravery that God was calling us to was to stretch us in the things that didn’t come so easily – the things that were hard for us and where He was asking us to trust Him, risk and grow.

In 2008, I was in the middle of an intense season of wrestling with my own disappointment over some unfulfilled dreams in my life.  The promises of God were very slow in coming and I was beginning to truly believe that I had not heard God correctly and that God really didn’t have more for me.  The horizon of my life looked bleak and gray, with no hope of new life growing on it.

In the middle of that place, God asked me to dream again.  In fact, He gave Craig and me a dream that is so big it is beyond our capacity to do it!  It would require believing God fully and trusting that He would make a way where there seemed to be no way.

For me, it required bravery to risk extreme disappointment to dream with God again.  And though it has been 5 ½ years since that moment, God has changed us immensely as we are still waiting on Him for fulfillment.  It requires bravery to dream with and wait on God!

For both me and the girls, bravery included dealing with relational issues. It takes courage to rightly respond when facing rejection and hurt – or to go back and ask for forgiveness when we are the ones who hurt someone else. 

It requires bravery to speak truth to someone, even when it comes at a great personal cost.

One of the ultimate acts of bravery is to allow God to work forgiveness in our hearts towards those who have hurt us. That is a work that can definitely take time!

But more often than not, a lifestyle of bravery has been forged in mundane, everyday choices:

*Will I be brave enough to say no to my immediate gratification and yes to wise stewardship of my money?

*Will I be brave enough to use my time well, making time for the most important things like spending time with the Lord?

*Will I be brave to believe God is who He says He is no matter what circumstances I am facing in my life?

As my girls and I have walked this journey together, I am amazed at the courage and strength God has worked in us.  In Him, we are brave – not because of our own strength, but because of the goodness of God to lead us out beyond our comfort zone.

After all, God never calls us to do anything that He does not empower us to do. . .so the Lord girls have answered the call to bravery.  And He wants to raise up a generation of men and women, boys and girls, who are willing to bravely bring the Kingdom of God here on earth.  Let’s say yes to that call!

"Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go."   Joshua 1:9