Monday, February 17, 2014

The Testimony of Wrinkles

Kelsey and I went to the doctor because she sprained her foot.  We were waiting a LONG time, so we started taking selfies with my phone.  Later, as I was looking at this picture, something struck me.

See that on my forehead?  Between my eyebrows?  Those are wrinkles.  Wrinkles I never noticed. Sure, I’d seen the ones around my eyes.  But now between my eyebrows?

Um. . .not OK.

Of course, this led me on a trip to the store to find an affordable, yet reliable anti-wrinkle face  wash/moisturizer/cream to deal with this situation.  I wondered how long it would take to begin to help my wrinkles, which seemed to deepen the longer I looked at them.

But then. . .

        . . . the Holy Spirit reminded me of something.

My wrinkles tell the story of my life.

Those lines mean that I have the privilege of experiencing great love that set a smile so deep in my heart that it could not help but beam across my face.

The laugh lines show the amazing enjoyment and fun I have experienced with the amazing family and friends God has given me. 

Those wrinkles also show signs of a furrowed brow.  Because life is hard.  Because there are time when my face has crumbled in tears of pain or sadness.

Sometimes my face has hardened in anger or frustration.  I have fought long and hard for the people and things I am passionate about.

Those two lines between my eyebrows remind me of all of the seasons of my life.  And of the goodness of God that has brought me through it all.

I realize my body carries the other signs of living.  The stretch marks on my stomach are the reminder that my two beautiful daughters grew inside my body.

The gray hairs that have shown up in the last year remind me that “gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life” (Proverbs 16:31).  At least I hope that’s why mine are now coming in gray!  ;)

I know that I am only 37 years old – and in the great scheme of life, that is not that old!  I am, God willing, less than halfway through my life!  But I will tell you, I cannot do all of the things I could 10 years ago.  My arms tire more quickly.  My back gets sore very easily.  I tire out at a much faster pace!

And as I see those wrinkles on my face and the way my body has changed, I’m reminded that my heart has aged, as well.  It also bears the scars of living.  The wounds of death and loss.  The injuries gained from the pain of living in a fallen world.  The havoc my own sin has wreaked upon the tender places of my soul. 

But by God’s grace, those scars are no longer gaping wounds.  The scars remain as the evidence of the healing work of God in my own heart.  His miracle touch has changed me and made me whole.

We live in a society that does not value wrinkles, scars and disfigurement.  Our world values youth and the look of perfection.

But my lack of perfection tells the story of a life I’m so grateful to God that He has given me. 

I read a powerful quote a few years ago:

“Do not regret growing older; it is a privilege denied to many.”  Unknown

There is great privilege as we age.  We have lived through seasons of life.  Hopefully we are doing the hard work of growing up, not just growing older.  Hopefully we are allowing God to work in us a heart of wisdom.  Hopefully our wrinkled faces are giving way to faces of men and women who are looking more like Jesus.

"Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding” (Job 12:2).

I pray that we can pass on to others the hope that lies in Jesus.  That He takes the wrinkles of living, the scars of sin and brokenness and brings healing and life that can shine brightly for His glory.