Friday, March 14, 2014

Living Life With A Calling

Living life with a calling can seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulders… trust me, I know.

The year that I was making the transition from 2nd grade to 3rd grade I went up to Camp Cedar Crest with my church for the first time. My expectations going up there were that I was going to swim, hang out with my friends, and maybe learn a little about God. I didn’t think of camp as a place to meet God and open up your heart to Him in a whole new way, I was just focusing on being with my friends. So, of course, when I don’t think anything is going to happen and that God isn’t going to do anything dramatic with my life but that I was just going to be another kid worshipping and listening to sermons, something happens. On the last night of camp I had a pretty big encounter with God.

It seems pretty common that when us humans doesn’t think that God will do anything, He does. That night I was called to be a pastor.

I came back down the mountain with my calling but I still wasn’t sure if it was an actual calling from God. I mean, I was in third grade; I could have just thought it to myself and thought I heard God. I got home, told my parents, and of course they were excited but nothing dramatic happened. I just kept on living my life. My 3rd grade year was going really well. I had two best friends and the best teacher that I have ever had in my entire life. Life was good for me. During this time I kind of began to forget about my calling because it seemed so insignificant at the time. How is a 3rd grader going to become a pastor?

My 4th grade year rolls along and I was expecting to go back to school and for everything to be the same as it was the year before, but it wasn’t. That year I was in a different class than both my best friends, which stunk, and I had a difficult teacher. Well, when school started both of my best friends decided they weren’t going to hang out with me anymore and stopped eating lunch with me. They ignored me, wouldn’t talk to me, and acted as if I didn’t exist. For the next couple of weeks I was a very lonely, sad, and rejected girl with no friends because they were my best friends and I thought that they were all I needed. I am the kind of person that when I meet someone and we become very close and call each other best friends, I expect us to be best friends forever, which cause this loss of friendship to sting a whole lot more.

That same year was pretty terrible. I didn’t know how to make friends very well, and I wasn’t girly enough to hang with most of the girls. I was athletic and I would play kickball, the other girls would just walk around the playground and talk and that stuff I just didn’t want to do. During this year I began to turn my back on God. I cocooned myself in my own world and was convinced that God didn’t love me because He let these awful things happen to me. Aso during that year I met this amazing group of guys that I just fit in with. They weren’t girls so there was no drama and they were more fun to be around. One of the boys I have known since preschool and the others I have known since 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, but we had never really hung out. We all quickly became very close and very good friends.

By 5th grade I had almost completely forgotten about my calling. My life was so wrapped around school, my friends, and what I wanted to do. At that point I was harboring some anger and sadness from the rejection from my friends and I was still extremely angry at God and I just didn’t trust Him anymore. I didn’t think that He loved me anymore and I didn’t like to pray because I didn’t think He would answer.

In 6th grade I had completely forgotten about my calling, I was a volcano that blew with emotions from my 4th grade rejection, and I was living my life by myself. I wasn’t asking God for help, I didn’t trust Him anymore, I didn’t believe that He loved me after all these bad things happened to me.

During that year I did some things that I’m not proud of and I was pretty sure that God was angry at me and was sort of “retracting” the pastor calling He put on me because I wasn’t “Christian” enough to be a pastor anymore.

I eventually came to my mom and she helped me realize that God still loved me, that I could trust Him, and that I needed to forgive my friends for what they did to me. This made me feel a lot better but I didn’t think much about my pastor calling.

7th grade started and I was going to my church youth group, UTURN, and we went to winter camp this past February. While we were up there I understood a lot from the teachings. Worship was amazing and the sermons that were spoken really helped me in ways I didn’t even realize I needed help. They talked about how you can never disappoint God because He knows exactly what you are going to do every minute of your life.  I needed to hear that and didn’t even know how much. I needed this to be said because of all the times I felt had disappointed God and felt that I wasn’t good enough to be a pastor. On the last night of this camp the pastors talked about how the Holy Spirit is still active and that spiritual gifts are still given. Over the course of my 7th grade year, I had heard from others that it wasn’t right for women to be in church leadership.  I began to doubt my call. But being up at camp reminded me of what is true and my calling was real and I wasn’t sinning by following it.

That same night, the pastors called up those in the audience who felt like they had a pastor calling placed on their lives and I went up. They prayed over us and in that moment I heard God tell me that I needed to start living with my calling in my head. I needed to act with my calling in mind. If I was going to be a pastor I needed to start living and acting like it.

I came back down the mountain and told my mom. She began to tell me how before I was even born her mom, my Grammie, had said that she felt that I was going to be a pastor.  She also told me that the pastor who dedicated me to the Lord had prayed over me that I was going to be a leader in the church.  At that moment, my mom confirmed what I knew God was saying. 

There isn’t doubt in my mind that I am going to be a pastor. After years of doubting God and doubting the call to ministry, God revealed it to me in an amazing way. I am no longer living for myself but for God. I am going to be the pastor that God wants me to be, whether the world accepts it or not.

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